Yesterday was a bad day!! I was teaching and the secretary buzzes into my room to tell me someone is coming to cover my class while I take a phone call. Instantly my heart sinks, thinking it is my Mom.... I get to the phone, and it is Tim. He was in a car accident and wanted me to pick him up at the hospital. He is OK - thank God!!! He was working, about 10:30 am, and driving through an intersection in his 1 ton van FULL of SHARP knives (that is what he delivers to restaurants every day!) Some ARSE(not a word by choice but gotta keep it clean!) was yacking on the phone and ran the red light. He T-boned Tim on the passenger side of his van and flipped him over onto the drivers side. He then slid along the road about a 1/2 block. His back was hanging out the window being dragged across the road so he has some serious road rash! It is UGLY!!! He stood up and tried to get out, saw smoke then tried kicking out the windshield (he said it was impossible). Finally someone opened the back door and he climbed out over top of buckets of knives. He had lots of witnesses and one guy at the scene even had his camera and took some pictures. The CREEP who hit him must have been going SO fast - to tip over a van that size & filled with 3000 lbs. of knives. His truck (full size pick up) was all crunched up in the front too but he wasn't hurt either. He didn't even see Tim until he hit him...he was so oblivious because he was on the damn phone! GRRRRRR!!!! We spent 9 hours in the Emergency room waiting for a doctor to see him (SO NOT happy with our health care system) was horrible!! Anyways, he is ok, besides the road rash and being really stiff and sore. I stayed home from work today to keep an eye on him & baby him a little!!! I didn't get any cards done, but I did get some images coloured while I watched TV. We ordered Chinese Food for supper, now we will watch a movie!!