Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Craft Critique

About 3 months ago, I came across a website that amazed me!!! IT compared different crafting products - not just paper crafts or scrapbooking - EVERYTHING! It was really cool - they explained both products then gave a Pros and Cons list for each..what a great site for someone starting out, or if you are in the market for buying something new!! It saved me from buying something "stupid".....I just wish I had seen the site BEFORE I bought several of my USELESS tools!!!! LOL Anyways, it is CRAFT CRITIQUE's 2nd anniversary and they are giving away an AMAZING blog candy - check this out:
So, get on over there, check it out, and add them to your Google Reader or whatever you use to follow blogs - it is WELL worth it!!!! BUT don't enter to win the blog candy cuz IT'S MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahahahahahah (kidding!!! But wouldn't that be amazing?!?!?)

1 comment:

AmethystCat said...

how neat! thanks for sharing the great site!

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