Sunday, January 17, 2010

Time for some CANDY.....WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, what a GREAT response! THANK you to ALL who commented on my blog posts & entered to win my candy! I WISH I could give you all something, but I have one lucky winner only! And that person is ANG, at Alter my world !!! Congrats Ang!!!!! Please email me your snail mail address so I can get your goodies off to you!!!!!

This will stay at the top until January 17th, 2010. Please scroll down for new posts!!!

Hello everyone!! I just realized that I have just passed 20,000 hits on my blog!!! Who would have ever thought??!?!?!?! Thank you to all who have visited & left comments!!!! I decided to have a little candy for one lucky commenter!

So, for this candy, you need to
1) add my picture & my blog link to your blog (a post, candy jar, side bar, etc.) - if you don't have a blog, tell people in your forums, crop groups, etc. TELL all your friends!!!
2) go and visit 3 other posts of mine & leave comments on each one (I will be checking!!)
3) leave me a comment here telling me you did the first 2 things!

Wanna know what you're playing for?? (LOL...can you tell I love Survivor??)

- a stamp set
- some prima flowers
- chipboard shapes
- some eyelets & brads
- 6x6 paper sampler
- maybe a few other yummmmmy things I might sneak in there before I seal up the envelope!!!

Again, thank you all for visiting my little blog - I hope to see more of you in the new year! Good luck!!!!


Moni said...

Hi great candy, love to win it! I posted about your candy on my blog and commented on your posts below!
Happy New Year!

Julye said...

Hi Chris congrats on your 20,00 hits , have made sure I've commented on at least 3 posts tried to make it most recents but they are a bit higledy as had commented on some before this post, hope thats not confusing. Thanks for the chance of some fab candy and hope its a bit warmer today Julye

Julye said...

Sorry forgot to say have posted your candy on my side bar, they are in date order so that might make it easier to find thanks again Julye

Jacilynn said...

Hi Chris,
I love your blog. I've linked up your sweet candy. I got my fingers crossed.

gila said...

oh, nr.1

ein tolles candy und ich probier es auch, lach, hab alles erfüllt


lg gila

Anne said...

Hi Chris, congratulations!
You're in my candy sidebar and a photo is in the sidebar too. I follow and comment regularly on your blog, but I found 3 posts I've not commented on before LOL!

Happy New Year

Kelly L said...

Aww, what a pretty picture too. I will gladly spread the word, dear friend! Kel

Unknown said...

Congrats on your hits!! I have added your candy to my blog and also left you comments! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!!

Simone said...

Hey, Chris,
congrats on your 20000 hits! Thats great!!!
And I did the first 2 things already! *he he*

I wish you a Happy New Year!!!
Greetings from Germany

Lynne in NI said...

Congratulations on all your hits Chris - its always a pleasure to visit your blog!
Have a great New Year!

mgcreative said...

ok, done.
i put the pic on my sidebar.
thx for the chance to win.
u really like to spread candies everywhere :)

Donelda said...

wow, congrats on your hits Chris!! I hope you had a great Christmas and best to you in 2010!!!

Tracey said...

contratlations on so many hits although im not surprised you have a great blog.
I have added you to my side bar.
thank you so much for a chance to win your candy look forward to seeing more of your creations.
have a great new year
love tracey x

Lillian A said...

Congrats, Chris -- wow, 20,000 comments -- you must like to read - LOL. I'm not lucky at winning anything, but what the heck, it's a new year and maybe my luck will change, so I'm signing up for your blog candy and keeping my fingers crossed!
Wishing you a fabulous 2010 !!
Hugs, Lillian

Lisa said...

Hi there, thanks for the chance to win I completed all that was asked, Happy New Year!!!

gocanucksgo said...

Hi Chris! Congrats on over 20000hits. Your creations are fantastic and I really love your altered items! I've put a pic in my sidebar and posted in 3 of your posts. Keep up the fantastic work and thanks =) Have a great 2010!

kisieltruskawkowy said...

Happy New Year! That's great candy! I did everythink you said about it :)

ribenaruby said...

What a huge number to reach, Congratulations! Would love to enter your candy, come often to browse for lovely ideas. Wishing you a fab 2010!

paperpapier said...

posted your the link in my candy bar and have commented on three posts. Love the surprises you wrap in the box.

AmethystCat said...

Hey Chris! Congrats on a the number of hits. that's AWESOME! I've added a blog candy link to the sidebar on my blog (no pic though because I'm doing a blog roll - sorry) and of course, I have more than 3 posts on your blog because I love getting inspired by your creativity! Happy New Year!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Hi, I'm Kim from Creations by Penny...I'm now following your blog, so I can get to know you. I'm adding your candy to my side bar.
Kim xXx

Anita said...

Here is my blog post-

jude said...

Congratulations heres to many more hits .Thought id left message but cant see it .Have already added link to side bar .
Thanks for chance to win some candy could do woith some luck!
hugs judex

Suzy said...

Nice candy. I did everything :) Thanks for the chance.

Kim. said...

Congratulations on all the hits. I have followed your rules and linked your candy on my sdiebar in date order. Thanks for the chance to join in.
Kim xXx

Sol said...

I have done the first two things! :) I enjoyed to look at your blog! You have so many cute stamps I havent seen before! Enjoy your comments! :)

Mary Lou said...

Hi Chris! Good to be back blogging after computer attracted nasty nasty virus--was out for l full week!! Thanks for chance at great candy :D Linked to my blog sidebar and yes I got to comment on many of your fabulous inspirational creations!!! Keep on going girl :) I think I done all the necessities--hope I am lucky:)
Mary Lou

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! What's a candy! I've made a post about it in my blog:
And I've visited 3 other posts of yours & leaved comments on each one.
Thanks for a chance to win!


Suzi Mac said...

Wow!! great candy, I've linked your candy up on my Candybar. I'm already a follower and have followed your instructions. Thank you for the opportunity of winning.

Suzi x

Annette Bowes said...

Happy New Year Chris, lovely blog candy, have done 1 and 2, love the picture you have used, can't think why LOL! Take CareX:)

Rosalee said...

Thank you for the wonderful chance at winning your surprise candy. I just posted a link on my sidebar and I left a comment on 3 of your blog posts. Love your work.
Hugs, Rosalee

Loz said...

Congrats on 20,000 hits! I've added your deets to my sidebar and have commented on 3 posts. I'm going to check our Designed2Delight now... thanks x

KarenB said...

My most recent comments are on the 8th, 11th and 12th January.

I've linked your piccie up on my blog sidebar too :)

Have a fabulous day and thanks for the chance to play.

Angie said...

Congrats on your 20,000 hits and for a chance to win! Your blog is great! I have your candy posted on my blog sidebar and I have commented on three of your awesome cards!!

altermyworld said...

off to comment <3


altermyworld said...

check check and off to get in my warm beds its cold here in Ontario

mae said...

Hola!!estas vinculada en mi barra lateral!!!ya comente en los 3 puestos!!!tienes un muy bonito blog!!saludos!!

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Congratulations Chris. Thanks for the chance to win this great goodies, i've linked you with picture on my sidebar and i'm a follower.....


Diamond Doll said...

Hi Chris thanx for the chance of winning some yummy candy.I have added a link on my sidebar and left a few comments on some posts.I,m off now to have a nosey at THe sentiment salon.
Trish (-:

li-bee-ti said...

Congreats on so many blog hits!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar and I left comments on 3 posts of yours.
thanks for the chance to win!
have a great weekend.

Katarina said...

Congrats on your hits! I've linked you on my candypost and added the blinkie in my sidebar. I've also commented and even entered the SSS challenge.


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