Today is my 40th Birthday... OMG!!! I can't believe I'm saying that - I don't feel 40!!! I remember being a kid thinking 40 was SO OLD!!!! LMAO!!!! I had a great weekend, we went camping with my sister & her boyfriend and my cousin & her family! Weather was great, river was refreshing & the dogs are POOPED!!!!!
Honey, I had NO idea it was your 40th. I can't believe it. If you'd have said you were 30 I would have believed you. I'd love to know your secret to looking so young. I've got 3 years and 2 months (those 2 months make all the difference!!!) until my 40th and I'm NOT looking forward to it at all. Like you say, when we were young 40 seemed so old. Now though ... well, I still feel 28 so will continue to act as such !!! LOL. Anyway, congrats on your 40th and sorry I didn't pick up on that before, if you'd hinted. Glad you had a nice time camping with your family. Annette xx (xxx - a few extra for your birthday!!!)
Happy 40th birthday, Chris!!! You should have warned us :) I had no idea we are the same age!
I hope you get spoiled rotten today :)
Happy Birthday Chris hope you had a great day!!:) Sandra H
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