Thursday, February 19, 2009

Missing: Mojo **REWARD**

Missing: My Mojo
Last seen: Feb. 8, 2009
Appearance: all sorts of colours, shapes, designs, is wearing ribbon and brads, charms and fibres
Characteristics: cute, full of ink, glitter splattered about,
Reward: Finder of my mojo will be rewarded with more blog postings, photos, cards and a great sense of humour (that is gone too, so if you find one, you might find the other!)

Please call 1-888-findmymojo if you spot it - but be careful, it is sneaky & likes to hide is the strangest places!

Thanks for your help!


bumblebee creations said...

Very cute!!! Gotta love it! Hope your mojo returns right away!!

Anita said...

Hope, I can help you find your mojo, try finding some blog candy to help revive your mojo.

Allies Creative Designs said...

Cute, Cute, hope your mojo returns home!!!!!

Anita said...

I will let you know if it ends up here. If you are part of Paper Craft Planet, the new group Paper Temptress Paper Lovers has some exciting news coming up and maybe this will spark your mojo.

Unknown said...

I'm sure I saw it running off hand in hand with mine!!!
I've sent out a search party and keep getting clues as to their whereabouts. They seem to be having a bit of a holiday, that's all. I've been assured they'll be back when the money's gone!!! LOL
Viv xx

Holly Young said...

You silly girl, your mojo not's lost! You just proved it by writing something very creative and it's funny too so I think you still have your sense of humor!

Deb said...

oh hun, I do hope you find it again soon! Have a good old blog hop to get some inspiration, I usually find that works, so many beautiful things to make!
Have a great day, Debx

Donelda said...

hehehe, you're so funny -- you'll find it. Just look through some pretty magazines! Or, check out a baby powder continer... that inpired me and got my mojo started!!

Also, I have an award for you over at my blog!!!

Janet said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww:( if i find it i will let you know!! Try a sketch challenge:)

Anonymous said...

LOL!! You are toooo funny GF!!

AmethystCat said...

that's hysterical! I lost mine earlier in the month so maybe there's one hiding spot where all the mojos go to eat candy and watch movies and sleep. :) Hope it comes home soon!

Ittybittyinkspotstoo said...

3 asprin, 2 pets and call your family in the morning!

Tracy said...

Oh Chris! If I find mine, I'll send you some of it! You are too funny with this post!

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