Tim and I went camping this weekend & had a blast! We left Thurs. after he was done work, and came home yesterday afternoon. He came back into Calgary to work on Friday, so I hung out at the campground with Brick, went to the river and worked on my scrapbook! It was so nice!!! We went to a place along the Elbow River called Paddy's Flat. Apparently there was a small black bear hanging around the area, but we didn't see him at all. It was a little freaky sitting there alone for awhile, hearing sticks crack in the bush behind me! I made Brick wear his Bear Bell so that probably helped!!! (at least I like to think it helped!!) The Conservation officers were ticketing campers for leaving their coolers out when they weren't around...the fine was $172...what a strange number eh?? I laughed when I heard that! I made VERY sure we left nothing around for the bear, not even the dog food!!! Here are a few pics for your viewing enjoyment:

This is me enjoying my birthday cake. Tim bought me the silver earrings and gave me some American cash for our trip to Vegas in Oct.

Can you find the dog??

The "ritual" shot - Brick in his lawn chair. He was SOME pooped! He swam in a pond for quite awhile in the morning, then later in the afternoon, some kids were throwing the stick for him in the river - his 3 favourite things: kids, sticks, and water!

Brick in the river. The canyon was gorgeous!

This picture is of Elbow Falls. It was a beautiful walk to it. It is a pretty popular site for picnickers but we were there early enough & were the only ones there!

Here he is swimming in the pond.

And the last one.....us standing in front of Elbow Falls.
Have a great day everyone!!!