This is not craft related but wanted to share our newest family member! This is MINTY!

She is a rescued Bichon Shitzu (we think) and is 5 months old. She came to us completely UNTRAINED so we have our work cut out for us!!! She sleeps good through the night but we are having Potty issues!!!! We take her out every 30-45 min. but she doesn't pee or poop. We have training pads around the house, but nothing. She peed yesterday when I turned my back for a second - half on the pee pad & half on the floor (that's a good step, I think!)
She is in desperate need of a haircut -which she is getting on Thurs. so I will post new pics as I get them!!!! She is a cutie, and very sweet...and very playful!!!

Brick is thoroughly NOT impressed!!!! He looks so sad!! She just wants to play with him and he avoids her like the plague!!!! LOL He will come around I'm sure!!!

Here he is totally trying to ignore

Shaggy girl!!!! She is going to the Vet on Wed. too, to get her puppy shots and a check up. She has a busy week!!!! All this new stuff, new rules, new family, and new brothers (Tux tolerates her too, he just walks away when she tries to sniff him!).

Have a great week!!!!! I will have a crafty post for you later today!!!! I promise!!!!