Remember back at Christmas I said I was moving my craft room downstairs? Well, I finally got around to taking pictures of it!! It is in a state of disarray, but show me a craft room that isn't messy - it SHOULD be messy RIGHT??? LOL Anyways here they are!!!

The first one is my ribbon wall - I made this myself - pretty proud of it!!! It is 4 feet by 3 feet! The next picture is my punch storage (for some of them) - it is an old CD rack that I got at a thrift store for 99 cents!! Wheeeeee!!

The next is my closet hanger storage thingy....LOL I have punches and prima bottles in the baskets and the top shelf is for my swaps and things.

The next pic is my messy desk - most of the things I use are at my fingertips which I love but I do need a new ink holder!! I love that clear drawer thing on the wall with the flippy out drawers! I got that at a garage sale!! What a score!!!

The next photo is the drawers full of stuff - embellies, scissors, paper, adhesives, baggies, tools, etc.

The next is my cutting station with my big cutter, my Cuttlebug, and all my clear stamps in the CD cases on the right. The blue tub in the corner is my paper bin.

The next ones are my 2 shelf units that hold various stuff - paper, cards, binders, magazines, loose wood mounted stamps (in the white tubs), envelopes, etc.

The last one is a cabinet with my SU stamp sets. I have more they were just upstairs when I took this picture cuz I hadn't cleaned up from my workshop yet!! I buy the jumbo storage boxes from SU and try to combine 2 or 3 sets together to save space & make it look like I don't have that many!! LOL SHHHHHHH!!!!!

This picture below was taken standing at the door looking in. The Hippo painting on the floor was painted by my Mom when I was little. It hung in my bedroom for years. I need to find a special place for it soon!! The bulletin board is where I put cards I've received from friends - I need to clean it off it looks like!!! LOL It is all a mess, but I pretty much know where everything is, so it works for me!! I wish I had more wall space to display my stamps and stamp sets but above my desk is a huge window!
Ahhh well, at least it is a bigger space than I had before!!!