I made these message boards to sell at the craft fairs this year & they sold pretty well! So easy & functional!!! They are frameless picture frames (the ones with the little silver clips), a dry erase marker and an eraser. The decorated paper is all under the glass, so when people write on the board, it won't ruin the paper! It is there each time they write & erase!! Clever eh?? The dry erase markers were bought at the Dollar Store, 3 for $1. The clips, ribbons & flowers were all supplies I had here! I just found paper to match the coloured clips!!
I attached the dry erase marker to the ribbon so it doesn't disappear, and if you flip the clips up, the marker sits perfectly in that when it is on the wall!!! These first 2 are just message boards, made with an 8x10 frame from the Dollar Store.

These bigger ones are an 11x17 frame, and have a message board and a To Do list. I also added a little calendar on the bottom left corner, attached with a clip so they have a calendar handy, and it is easily removable!

This one is black & white - but was SO hard to photograph because the paper was shimmery & the glass was reflecting the lamp! GRRRR!! But it is one of my favourites & the first one to sell!!!
Here are a few others I made. I didn't take photos of them all, ran out of time!!!
What a great idea! Glad that they sold well - we had stuff at a craft fair last Saturday and carried it all back home with us to donate!!! lol...one never knows from one year to the next! Very nice project!
Hallo Chris,
wie fantastisch, sie sehen toll aus.
Ich hab so einen Stift, den nehm ich jetzt immer zum verwischen von Stempelfarbe, der Fließ daran ist toll dazu, lach.
lg gila
These are fantastic,
Hope you do or did well at the fare,
What a great idea! I need to make some things for the school Christmas fayre which is on the 10th and 11th of Dec and I don't have anything made yet! I think these would sell well and they look easy to make too:) I love your idea using a photo frame so all the decoration is under the glass and won't get ruined. Hope you don't mind if I use this idea?
Thanks for the inspiration :)
Lora xx
[url=http://www.go4you.net/go.php?sid=9][img]http://topstore.org/as/186.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.go4you.net/go.php?sid=9][img]http://topstore.org/as/11.jpg[/img][/url]
[url=http://www.go4you.net/go.php?sid=9][img]http://topstore.org/as/10.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.go4you.net/go.php?sid=9][img]http://topstore.org/as/95.jpg[/img][/url]
Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?
What a great way to decorate one of these boards. I love that you've attached the markers to something because mine always go missing lol. Fantastic work =)
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